Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A Collection of Promises from God for His People from the Bible

A Collection of Promises from God for His People from the Bible

Image source: http://blogs.blueletterbible.org/blb/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/07/20130712_fight.jpg


When Abraham believed God's promise, God counted Abraham's faith as righteousness.

B4 I call, the L answers. 'Cause I abide in L & his wds abide in me, I ask one factor I need & get it Jhn 15:7,eight 'Cause I ask acc 2 his will, he hears me, so I have what I requested four. 1 John 'Cause I ask, I rcv; trigger off I are attempting to discover, I uncover; trigger off I knock, it's a ways opened 2 me. Matt 7:7-eleven 'trigger off I concentrate on I acquire, I get what I pray four. Mark eleven:24 Cleanse thou me from secret faults. Command deliverances four F. Create in me a blank heart, O God; & renew a highest spirit within of me. Ps fifty one:10 Bring me out of my distresses. Ps Fath, Pls assist me to be counted worthy to holiday out all the ones things that R impending the earth & to face B4 the Son of man. For thy name's sake, pardon my iniquity. bigger is he which will probably be in me, than he which will probably be indoors the global. (1 Jhn four:four) He doesn't 4get my cry 'trigger off I'm humble. Ps 9:12 He hears me & I have it. 1 Jhn 5:15 He inclines 2 me & hears my cry. (tilts his ear towards me?) Hear the voice of my supplications. Hide me beneath the shadow of thy wings. Ps I abide in J, & his words abide in me, so I ask what I will & it's a ways performed to me. Jhn 15:7 I pray devoid of ceasing. 1 Thes. 5:17 I concentrate on that I rcv what I ask for in prayer, so I get it. Mk eleven:24, Matt 21:22 I call on G & the L saves me. I call on the L & he delivers me indoors the day of hassle. Ps 50:15 I call on U, L, during at the present time of hassle 2 give me deliverance from all my headaches. I call 2 the L & he answers me & admired me grt & mighty thngs that I have no inspiration. I enhance myself on my most holy faith, praying indoors the H.G. Jude 20 I input into his gates w thxgvng & into his courts w praise. I humble myself & pray & are attempting to discover the L's face. The L hears from heaven & forgives sins & heals. 2 Chron 7:14 I hold G's wd ceaselessly B4 me. I make my requests famous w thxgvng. I pray four the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Ps 122:6 I pray w/out ceasing. 1 Thes 5:17 I smite my chest & say, O G B merciful to me, sinner. I turn 2 the L w all my heart & w fasting. I tear my heart, now now not garment, four he is gracious & merciful, sluggish 2 anger, & of grt kindness, & repents of the evil. I will give thx 2 thee, O L. I'm the R of G. in Christ 2 Cor 5:21, so my prayers avail much. Jas 5:16 It is time for thee, L, to paintings. J does one factor I ask in his name. Jhn 14:thirteen Let the words of my mouth, & the meditation of my heart B acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my force & my redeemer. Ps 19:14 L Jesus, acquire my kisses & don't B angry w me. L, Pls let me uncover grace in ur sight. Lord's prayer. O L, I beseech thee, ship now prosperity. Ps 118:25 O L, make no tarrying. (Don't carry up) O spare me so that I'll recuperate force B4 I go subsequently & B no more. Open my eyes to find out wondrous things out of your word. Prayer & supplication requests made w thxgvng. Phil four:6 Redeem me out of all my troubles. Restore 2 me the enjoyment of ur salvation. Set an eye, O L, B4 my mouth; hold the door of my lips. Ps 141:3 Thx F, four a transitority paintings on earth. Thank you, L, that you are angry w the wicked each and on a daily basis. The L doesn't four get my cry 'trigger off I'm humble. Ps 9:12 The L fulfills all my petitions. The L has heard me. Ps 6:9 The L has heard me out of his holy hill. The L has heard my prayers & has now now not turned his mercy seen of me. The L hears my desire 'trigger off I'm humble. Ps 10:17 Thy kingdom come. Matt 6: When u pray, forgive. Mrk eleven:25 Without u, L. Jesus, I can do now now not anything. U're my assist & my deliverer. Make no tarrying, O my G.


There's a scripture roughly oldsters who didn't mixture their faith with God's word when they heard it. Let's now now not be amongst the ones oldsters. Put your faith with God's word. Choose to concentrate on God's word. He will reward your faith.

All things wrk togeth four gd four me 'trigger off I lv G. Rom eight:28 As a son of G, I'm led by the Holy Spirit of G. As 1 of his sheep, I know the L's voice. I don't comply with a stranger's voice, 'trigger off I have no inspiration the voice of strangers. Jhn 10:3,four 'Cause I draw close 2 G, he draws close 2 me. 'Cause I love the L, the Father & Son come 2 me & stick to w. me. 'Cause I are attempting to discover the L, I uncover him. Matt 7:7-eleven 'trigger off I'm just, my course is a dead ringer for the shining faded that shines more & more excluding the very last word day, For w thee is the fountain of lifestyles; in thy faded shall we see faded. Ps 36:9 four thy name's sake, lead me & advisor me. Ps God's Holy Spirit leads me into all fact. G's spirit bears witness w our spirit. Rom eight:16 G's spirit works mightily in me. He delights in my means. He establishes my goings. He classes me w his eye. I discern spiritually. 1 Cor 2:thirteen,14 I don't are attempting to discover my very own will, nonetheless the Father's. I don't quench G's Holy Spirit. I have ears & I hear G's Holy Spirit. Revelation I have the reminiscences of Christ. 1 Cor 2:16 I know L's voice. Jhn 10:24 I order my dialog highest & the L admired me his salvation. Ps I existing my frame a residing sacrifice, holy, acceptable 2 G, wh is my cheapest service. I'm now now not conformed 2 this wrld, nonetheless remodeled by renewing of my reminiscences & I uncover out what's the gd & acceptable & ultimate will of G. Rom 12:1,2 I chill out indoors the L & wait patiently four him. I don't agonize. Ps 37:7 I are attempting to discover the L's face. I are attempting to discover the L w my entire heart. I have interplay my heart to method the L. I believe indoors the L & wait patiently four him. I believe indoors the L w all my heart & don't lean 2 my very own realizing. In all my ways I popular him & he directs my paths. Prov 3:5,6 I wait four G's counsel. Ps 106? I wait on the L & hold his means, he exalts me to inherit the land & I see the wicked carry to a shut. Ps 37:34 I determine my very own salvation w. worry & trembling Phil 2:12 I'm a habitation of G. Eph 2:22 I'm filled w the talents of G's will. Col 1:9, Ps 35:27? I'm filled w the knowledge of G & guided by his spirit. Jhn 16:thirteen I'm led by God's Holy Spirit. Rom eight:14-17 In thy faded shall we C faded. Jesus Christ an comparable the previous day, and these days, and for all time. Heb thirteen:eight J is in me & I in him. Jhn 14:20 Jesus is w me ceaselessly, even to the finish of the global. Matt 28:20 L instructs me & teaches me indoors the style that I have to go. & classes me w his eye. My faith pleases G & he rewards my attempting to discover him. Heb eleven:6 My frnd J sticks nearer than a brother. Prov 18:24 My memory of u shall B sweet. My hrt devises my means, nonetheless the L directs my steps. Prov. 16:9 My heart is indoors the hand of the L. As the rivrs of H2O, he turns it anyplace he wants. Pr 21:5 My hrt rejoices & I are attempting to discover the L. Ps 104 My reminiscences renewed. Eph four:23 My course is a dead ringer for the shining faded that shines more & more excluding the very last word day. Ps My steps R ordered by the L & he delights in my means. Ps 37:23 My instances R on your hand. None of my steps shall slide. The Comforter lives in me. Jhn 14:16 The entrance of G's wd offers faded. Ps 119:130, Pet 1:3, or so The Holy Spirit classes me into all fact. Jhn 16:thirteen The L doesn't four sake me 'trigger off I are attempting to discover him. Ps 9:10 The L establishes my goings. The L classes me w his counsel & later on receives me to glory. Ps seventy three:24 The L classes me w his eye, & afterw rcvs me 2 glory. ref? ("I will advisor u with my eye.") The L instructs me & teaches me indoors the style that I have to go. Isa 48:17 The Lord is my lifestyles Deut 30, or so The L is close me 'trigger off I call on Him as a matter of assertion. Ps 100 forty 5:18 The L is w me similtaneously I am w him. 'Cause I are attempting to discover him I uncover him. 2 Cor 15:2 The L keeps my heart 'trigger off I'm a K. Prov 21:1 The L keeps the guts of King Fred. The L lays up sound knowledge four me 'trigger off I'm righteous. Prov 2:7? The L leads me beside the nevertheless H2O's. Ps 23 The L makes my means at as temporarily as B4 me. The L admired me all the things. The L admired me the course of lifestyles. Ps 16:eleven The L admired me "This is the style, stroll ye in it." The L teaches me to income & leads me. Isa 48:17 The course of Fred is a dead ringer for the shining lite that shines more & more excluding the very last word day. Prov four:18 The spirit of man is the candle of the L., hunting all of the inward substances of the tummy. Prov 20:27 The spirit searches the deep things. 2 Cor 2:9,10 The steps of a gd man R ordered by the L & he delights in my means. Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their force, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and now now not be weary, they customarily shall stroll, and now now not faint. Isa 40:31 You advisor me w ur counsels & afterw. rcv me 2 glory. Ps U'll faded my candle & illuminate my darkness. Your wd is a lamp 2 my toes & a faded-weight 2 my course. Ps 119:? You're my advisor, L, excluding death.


So indexed here are the promises, divided into categories. You don't always have to read them in order. You may probably just scroll down to the branch most urgent for you on the second one.

The publication of Genesis, first publication indoors the Bible, tells us we are made indoors the photograph of God. In the photograph of the God who spoke the worlds into existence. Therefore, you and I even have some energy to communicate things into existence. Sometimes oldsters speak incorrect things into existence. Let's are attempting now now not to aim this. Let me provide you a small illustration.

'trigger off G is four me, no someone can B in opponents to me. Rom eight:31 'Cause I hold the commandments, I feel no evil factor. 'Cause I love G's wd, now now not anything offends me & I have grt peace. 'Cause I believe indoors the L, I'm like Mt. Zion, that will now now not B removed. 'Cause I'm R, I'm delivered out of hassle. The wicked are readily available slightly. 'trigger off my ways please the L, he makes even my enemies to B @ peace w me. Prov 16:7 1 K fall @ my facet & 10 K @ my rt hand, nonetheless it actually is not going to come close me. Ps 91:7 As a ways as E is from W, thus far has he removed my sins from me. As the heavens R high above the earth, so grt is his mercy 2 me, 'trigger off I worry him. 'trigger off G is four me, no someone can B in opponents to me. Rom eight:31 'Cause I love G's wd, now now not anything offends me & I have grt peace. 'trigger off my ways please the L, he makes even my enemies to B @ peace w me. Prov 16:7 G has now now not appointed me to wrath, nonetheless 2 down load salvation. G has now now not given me the spirit of worry, nonetheless of pwr, & of love, & of a sound reminiscences. 2 Tim 1:7 G holds my soul in lifestyles. & doesn't allow my toes 2 B moved. Psa 66:9 God is indoors the midst of me; I shall now now not B moved. Psa 46:5 G is my self belief. Ps 65:5 G is my refuge & force. God's regulation is in my heart, none of my steps shall slide. Ps 37:19 G's word makes me sensible yielding salvation. He is my rock & my salvation: he is my defense; I shall now now not B moved. Psa sixty two:6 He keeps my foot from being taken. He will certainly now not allow the R 2 B moved. He's my buckler 'trigger off I stroll uprightly. His mercy endures 4ever. Ps 138? I forged all my cares on J four, he cares four me. 1 Pet 5:7 I forged my burden on the L, & he sustains me: he'll certainly now not allow the R to B moved. Psa 55:22 I are now now not making an try and to discover a cup of trembling. Isa fifty one:22 I don't let my heart be involved. (Jesus) I dwell indoors the name of the game part of the Most High & abide und G's shadow Ps 91:1 I foresee the evil & cover myself. I have grt peace 'trigger off I love G's word, and now now not anything offends me. Ps 119:a hundred sixty five I have no condemnation. Rom eight:1 I have ultimate peace 'trigger off my reminiscences is stayed on the L. I have the positive mercies of David. Isa 55:3 I lay up treasure four myself in heaven. I placed my believe indoors the L; how say ye to my soul flee like a white meat to ur mtn? I shall certainly now not B ashamed worldwide w/out finish. Joel I believe in him. Ps 34:eight I believe indoors the overlaying of ur wings. (covert) I stroll @ liberty four I are attempting to discover Your precepts. Ps 119:45 I is not going to need to combat. I'll certainly now not B ashamed. (wrld w/o finish?) I'm permitted indoors the beloved. I'm married 2 the L. I'm engraved on the palms of his hands. Jer 3:14, Isa 49:16 I'm certainly now not forsaken. Ps 37:25 I'm now now not scared of poor information. Ps 112:7 In quietness & in self belief is my force. Isa 30:15 J, the reality, lives in me & shall be w me 4ever. 2 Jhn 2 Jesus is my rock & my salvation: he is my defense; I shall now now not B moved. Psa sixty two:6 J recounted don't B afraid, so I don't worry. J' yoke is easy & his burden is faded. My affliction is faded. My finish is peace. Ps 37:37 My inheritance shall B 4ever. Ps 37:18 My mouth delivers me. Prov 12:6 My righteousness endures for all time. Ps 40:1 No evil happens 2 me. Prov 12:21, Prov 91:10,eleven, Prov 12:28 No evil will occur 2 me 'trigger off I'm only by blood of J. No evil will Bfall me nor will any plague come close my dwelling. Ps. 91:10,eleven No man will set on me 2 harm me. Acts 18:10 No weapon shaped ag. me will prosper. Isa fifty four:17 None shall make me afraid. Zeph Nothing shall by any means harm me. Lk 10 Peace shall B on me. Perfect love casts out worry. 1 Jhn four:18 Surely the wrath of man shall praise you; the rest of wrath you'll restrain. Ps seventy six:10 The L blesses me w peace & is my salvation. Ps 29:eleven, 27:1 The L delivers me from the hands of my enemies. The L delivers me from the wicked & saves me 'trigger off I believe in him. Ps 37:40 The L establishes, strengthens, settles me. The L offers me deliverance & saves me 'trigger off I believe in Him. Ps The L offers me deliverance 'trigger off he delights in me. The L offers me joy The L offers me chill out four my soul The L hides me beneath the shadow of his wings & pavilion. Ps The L is a buckler 2 me 'trigger off I believe in him. The L is a buckler 2 me 'trigger off I stroll uprightly. Prov 2:7 The L is my keeper & my preserver & is not going to undergo my toes 2 B moved. The L is my refuge & assist & force & tune & salv. & my buckler & my deliverer. The L is my shield & my exceedingly grt reward & my high tower & my hard tower & my fortress & my tune & my defense. The L keeps me in ultimate peace 'trigger off my reminiscences is stayed on him. Isa The L keeps my foot from being taken. Prov 3:26 The L maintains my highest & my trigger off. Ps 9:four The L certainly now not leaves me nor forsakes me. Heb thirteen:5 The L handiest makes me to dwell in protection. The L preserves my soul & my going out & my coming in from now on & for all time. Ps The L will bless his oldsters w peace, of whom I'm one. The L will hold me in ultimate peace trigger off my reminiscences is stayed on him. Isa The mercy of the L is from eternal 2 eternal four me 'trigger off I worry him. The peace of G instructional assets in my hrt. Col 3:15 There is there4 now no condemnation. 2 me 'trigger off I'm in Chr J & recounted as acc 2 his objective. Rom eight:1 This king trusts indoors the L; & by means of the mercy of the primary high I shall now now not B moved. Psa 21:7 Where the spirit of the L is, there's liberty. W highest mercies does he collect me. Isa fifty four:7 With gentle mercies does he collect me, & admired me his salvation.

These guarantees are clearly relying many instances on physical scriptures indoors the Bible. But I've personalized them for my use. When you come back to the name Fred, please replacement you very own name in place of mine.

There is a classification for worship. A coach I know recounted the Lord told him, "Son, my oldsters don't worship me enough, and also you do not either. You tell the oldsters that indoors the trend that they are going to spend time worshipping me, they will probably have the chill out they need." Let me ask you a question, how would you favor to have the chill out you will have? Most oldsters would prefer that. OK, spend time worshipping the Lord.

It will do you respectable only to read the promises. But I would propose, read them out loud, indoors the trend which it is advisable to possibly, even as you think about that, "Faith comes by taking note of, and taking note of by the word of God." (Romans 10:17) If you read the promises silently, you miss out on the taking note of, nonetheless some may probably just say they hear it of their reminiscences. OK, one factor works. I quote my guarantees aloud, when viable. But even as you are with other oldsters, you're able to probably just have to read silently. When by myself, please read aloud to beef up your faith.




A younger man who changed into a neighbor of mine in Los Angeles changed into a professing Christian. I tried to provide him handiest a little publication that had some respectable education. He recounted, no, he just will get it out of the Bible. Well, I are looking to get God's word into me each and on a daily basis, too. But indoors the word it says God gave some lecturers (Ephesians four:eleven).

A believed in hope. Rom four:18 All thngs wrk jointly four gd four me 'trigger off I love G. Rom eight:28 Because I'm meek, I satisfaction myself indoors the abundance of peace. Ps 37:eleven I inherit all things. Rev 21:7 Behold, I continue on 2 know the L. Blessed be the L, who each and on a daily basis loads me w benefits. Blessed R the peacemakers, & I'm 1 of them. By my wds I'm justified. Matt 12:37 'Cause I worry G, I come 4th from them all. 'Cause I give, it's a ways given 2 me, gd diploma, pressed down, shaken jointly, working over do males give into my bosom. Luke 6:38 'Cause I have a merry heart, I have a usual banquet. 'Cause I plant abundantly, I harvest abundantly. 2 Cor 9:6 'Cause I prepare my ways B4 the L, G makes me 2 prosper. 'Cause I prepare my ways B4 the L, I Become mighty. 2 Chron 27:6? 'Cause I placed my believe indoors the L, I possess the land & inherit His holy mountain. Isa fifty seven:thirteen 'Cause I reap, I acquire wages. 'trigger off I are attempting to discover 1st the K of G & his R, all gd thngs R additional 2 me. Matt 6:33 'Cause I are attempting to discover the L, he makes me 2 prosper. 2 Chron 26:5 'Cause I are attempting to discover the L, I don't desire any gd factor. Ps 34:10 'Cause I are attempting to discover the L, I be aware all thngs. 'Cause I excluding my land, I have heaps bread. prov 'trigger off I wait on the L, I inherit the earth. Ps 37:9 'trigger off I stroll w sensible males, I'm sensible. Prov thirteen:20 'Cause I'm a liberal soul, I'm made fats & 'trigger off I water, I'm watered also myself. Prov eleven:25 'Cause I'm diligent, I bear rule. Prov 12:24 'Cause I'm diligent in my venture, I stand B4 kings, now now not B4 unimportant males. Prov 22:29 'Cause I'm diligent, my hands make me prosperous. Prov 'Cause I'm diligent, my thots tend handiest 2 plenteousness. Prov 21:5 'trigger off I'm just, my course is a dead ringer for the shining faded that shines more & more excluding the very last word day, 'trigger off I'm meek, I inherit the earth & satisfaction myself indoors the abundance of peace. Ps 37:eleven I inherit all things. Rev 21:7 'trigger off I'm merciful, G admired mercy 2 me. Ps 18:25 'Cause I'm 1 of the ones just, I keep by my faith. Rom 1:17 'trigger off I'm prudent, I deal w. talents. Prov thirteen:16 'Cause I'm prudent, I glance neatly 2 my goings. 'Cause I'm R, I eat & am self-assured. 'Cause I'm R, I have gd thngs in ownership. 'trigger off I'm righteous, I'm bold as a lion. Prov 28:1 'Cause I'm upright, I have gd thngs in ownership. Prov 28:10 'Cause I'm keen & obedient, I eat the gd of the land. Isa 1:19 'Cause I'm sensible, I inherit glory. Prov 3:35 'Cause I'm sensible, my tongue is healthiness. Prov 12:18 'Cause I'm sensible, knowledge strengthens me. Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the regulation being made a curse four me, four it only is written, cursed is everyone that hangs on tree, so the blessing of A would come on F. Gal 3:thirteen Death & lifestyles R indoors the pwr of the tongue. Prov 18:21 Every beast of wooded area is urs & livestock on 1 K hills, & the beasts of the container, & the silver & the gold, & He offers me lrg chunks. Ps 50 Exceedingly grt & helpful guarantees & divine nature. 2 Pet 1:four 1st the blade, then ear. Mk four:28 four my disgrace I have double G, by his faith, spoke the wrlds into existence. G offers me pwr to get wealth. Deut eight:18 G has blessed me w all non secular blessings in heavenly locations in Christ G has pleasure in my prosperity. Ps 35:27 G speeds up his wd 2 perform it. Jer 1:12 G is now now not only always any respecter of persons. Acts 10:34 G is true. Rom 3:3,four G made J 2 B sin, so we would possibly B R of G. 2 Cor 5:21 G makes all grace abound towards me & I ceaselessly have all sufficiency. 2 Cor 9:8PP G performs all thngs four me. G supplies all my demands. Phil four:19 God the Father wants me to have abundant lifestyles & I have it. Jhn 6:38, 10:10 G works in me 2 will & 2 do his gd pleasure. Phil 2:thirteen G's blessings overtake me. Deut 28:2 G's given me all thngs that pertain 2 lifestyles & Godliness. 2 Pet 1:3 G's wd doesn't rtn void, nonetheless accompl. what he pleases. Isa 55:eleven Grace & peace are mult 2 me. 2 Pet 1:2 He offers me richly all things 2 have a good time with. He offers more grace. He makes my toes like hinds toes & items me on my high locations. He opens his hand & satisfies the need of ev residing factor He teaches my hands 2 warfare so that a bow of metallic is damaged by my arms. He's given me all thngs that pertain 2 lifestyles & godliness. 2 Pet 1:3 I abide in J, ask, rcv Jhn 15:7 I add 2 my faith virtue 2 Pet 1:5 I agree w my adversary only, similtaneously I'm indoors the style w him. Matt 5:25 I ceaselessly have all sufficiency in all things. God makes all grace abound towards me. 2 Cor 9:eight I ceaselessly have gd friends & dwellings & gd automobile & gd all the things. I ceaselessly have lots & abundance of all things & need of now now not anything. I ask four & rcv knowledge fr G. Jas 1:5 I concentrate on & this implies that, speak. 2 Cor four:thirteen, Ps 116:10 I concentrate on, so all thngs R poss 2 me. Mk 9:23 I bind & free. Matt 16:19 I bridle my tongue. Jas 1:22-26 I carry 4th fruit w staying power. Lk eight:15 I carry 4th my fruit in due season. I carry gd thngs out of my hrt to communicate. Matt 12:35 I confess that I'm a stranger & a pilgrim indoors the earth. I continue in J wds Jhn eight:31,32 I satisfaction myself indoors the L & he offers me the specifications of my heart. Ps 37:3-5 I do 2 othrs as I wd have them do 2 me. I do what J says. Lk 6:46 I don't forged away my conf. wh has grt recompense of reward. Heb 10:35 I don't commit myself 2 them. Jhn 2:24,25 I don't worry 'trigger off it's a ways my father's gd pleasure 2 give me the dominion. I don't 4get the promises of G. 2 Tim 1:7 I don't lv sleep lest I come 2 pvrty. I open my eyes & am self-assured w bread. I don't rely on scenarios, nonetheless on God's word. I don't turn as temporarily as more 2 folly. I have the reminiscences of Christ. I eat gd by the fruit of my mouth. Prov thirteen:2 I edify myself. Cor 14:2-four. Jude 20,21 I flourish a dead ringer for the palm tree: I develop like a cedar in Lebanon. Ps 92:12 I 4get the thngs behind & attain 4th 2 the thngs beforehand. I go in & out & uncover pasture. I defend my mouth, & so, my lifestyles. Prov thirteen:3 I have a usual banquet, 'trigger off I have a merry heart. I have a advantageous background. I have a gd name, which is more helpful than gold. I have a vineyard in a largely fruitful container. I have abundance & my G meets my demands. Phil four:19 I have abundance of all things & need of now now not anything. Ps 23:1, 34:10, 142:7 I have all thngs 2 Pet 1:2,3 I have all the things. Phil four:19 I have exceedingly grt & helpful guarantees by means of which I'm a partaker of the divine nature, having escaped corruption in wrld by means of lust 2Pet1:four I rely on G (the G form of faith, or the faith of G) Mk eleven:22 I have favor & gd realizing w God & males. Prov 3:four I have glory, honor, & peace. Ps I have gd realizing 'trigger off I do the L's commandments. Ps 111:10 I have mustard seed faith & float mtns. Matt 17:20, Lk 17:6 I have peace & gd cheer. Jhn 16:33 I have sound knowledge & discretion & realizing. Prov 3:21, 2:eleven I have the gd & perf. presents fr the Father. Jas 1:16,17 I have the mountain transferring faith. Luke 17:6 I honor L w my substance. Prov 3:9,10 I progress indoors the talents of G. Col 1:10,eleven I inherit all things 'trigger off I'm an overcomer. Rev 21:7 I hold G's wd ceaselessly B4 me. I hold G's wd B4 my eyes & in my hrt. Prov four:21 I hold his comdmnts & do what pleases him. 1 Jhn 3:22 I hold planting seed, and G offers me the progress. I let no corrupt communication proceed out of my mouth. I love my enemies & bless individuals who curse me & do gd 2 individuals who hate me & pray four individuals who mistreat me & persecute me Matt 5:forty four I make for myself chums of the mammon of unrighteousness. I make my boast indoors the L. I make my optimum effort & the L does the chill out. Let the L do as appears him respectable. 2 Sam 10:12 I open my mouth extensive & G fills it. I plant seed. Mk four:26 I pond. the course of my toes; I let all my ways B estab. Prov four:26 I prosper trigger off I pray four the peace of Jeru. Ps 122:6 I placed away a froward mouth. I acquire 100fold now during this existing time. I rcv abund of grace & R & reign by Jesus Christ. Rom 5:17 I rcv pwr w Holy Ghost. Acts 1:eight I rcv the spirit of knowledge. Eph 1:17,18 I rcv w meekness the engrafted wd. Jas 1:21 Meek shall inherit. I redeem the time, four the instances R evil. I have a good time in my portion. I have eternal joy. Isa sixty one:7 I have a good time indoors the L, who has performed grt thngs four me. I have a good time indoors the L's salvation. Ps 9:14 I have a good time in ur wd as 1 that finds grt spoil. I say & I have Mk eleven:23,24 I see similarly the goodness & severity of the L. I shall certainly now not B ashamed, worldwide w/out finish. Joel I shall now now not lack. Ps 23 I sow & I reap. Gal 6:7 I speak fr my hrt gd thngs. Matt 12:34,35 I subdue the rth & have dominion. Gen 1:28 I speak, meditate, & do God's word, so I make my means prosperous & have gd success. Josh 1:eight I speak no corrupt communication from my mouth. Eph four:29 I believe indoors the L & do gd, so I dwell indoors the land & I'm fed. I use talents highest. Prov 15:2 I use the washing of H2O by the wd. I stroll & don't faint 'trigger off I wait on the L. Isa 40:31 I stroll in G's wds. Eph 2:10 I wait patiently four the L; he inclines to me & hears my cry. Ps 40:1 I watch my tongue & circumvent hassle Prov 21:23 I will sing 2 the L 'trigger off he has dealt abundantly w. me. Ps. thirteen:6, 116:7, 119:17, 142;7 I write G's wd on the desk of my heart. Prov 7:2,3 If there's no hope, I nevertheless concentrate on in hope. Rom four:17,18 If hrt condemns, G is bigger than hrt & I do what pleases him 1Jhn3:20-22 I'll certainly now not B in need. I'll shine a dead ringer for the celebs, 'trigger off I turn many to righteousness. I'm a doer of the wd. Jas 1:22-26 I'm a follower of G. Eph 5:1 I'm a joint-heir w the Lord Jesus Christ I'm a partaker of the divine nature. 2 Pet 1:four I'm a major other w. God I'm a peacemaker & so I'm recounted as a toddler of G. I'm a sheep of his pasture. Ps 100:3 I'm a son of G & and a joint heir w Christ. 1 Jhn 3:1,2 Rom eight:14-17 I'm blessed 'trigger off I placed my believe indoors the L. Ps 2:12 I'm blessed 'trigger off I read the publication of Rev & the Bible. Rev 1:3 I'm blessed 'trigger off I believe in him. Ps 34:eight I'm blessed in my mendacity down & in my growing up. Prov 19:17, Deut 28:1-14 I'm blessed indoors the metropolis & indoors the container, in my going out & in my coming I'm faraway from oppression. Isa fifty four:14-17 I'm filled. Prov 18:20 I'm blissful 'trigger off I have mercy on the poor. I'm in league w the stones of the container. I'm justified by my wds. Matt 12:37 I'm like tree by H2O. Ps 1 I'm certainly now not removed 'trigger off I'm righteous. Prov 10:30 I'm now now not ashamed indoors the evil time & indoors the instances of famine, I'm self-assured. Ps 37:19 I'm now now not destroyed four lack of talents Hos four:6 I'm now now not many masters Jas 3:1,2 I'm now now not weary in neatly-doing. I reap in due season & don't faint. Gal 6:9 I'm 1 of the ones just males made ultimate. I'm renewed in talents. Col 3:10 I'm self-assured w gd by the fruit of my mouth & the recompense of my hands is rendered 2 me. Prov 12:14 I'm sober & vigilant. 1 Pet 5:eight I'm hard & very courageous. Josh 1:7 I'm the blessed of the L. The blessing of the L is on me. Gal 3 I'm the frame of Christ & member of Christ I'm the Righteousness of God in Christ. I'm sensible as a serpent, and harmless as a dove. I'm sensible, prudent, & diligent & I stroll in it. In me is now now not only always any guile. In quietness & in self belief is my force. In the L's name my horn is exalted. I've constructed on a rock. Lk 6:48 I've placed my believe indoors the Lord God. Ps I've rcvd abund of grace & the exhibit of R & I reign in lifestyles by Jesus Christ Rom 5:17 I've set the L ceaselessly B4 me: 'trigger off he is @ my highest hand, I shall now now not B moved. Psa 16:eight I've set 2 my seal that G is true. It shall B neatly U, F. four it only is written, "Say ye 2 the r. it shall B neatly w. him, four they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Isa 3:10 It's been restored seven fold all that is been stolen from me. It's performed four me, 'trigger off I concentrate on. Matt eight:thirteen J recounted, it pleases G to provide me the dominion. Lk 12:32 J's poverty makes me prosperous. 2 Cor eight:9 Jesus has given me abundant lifestyles & I have it. Jhn 10:10 Kings R my nursing fathers & I'm now now not ashamed who waits four Him. Isa 49:23 Let the L B magnified who takes pleasure indoors the prosperity of his servant F. Ps 35:27 L outfits me more stunning than the lilies of the container L delivers me out of all my afflictions. Ps 34:19 L offers me an expected finish. Jer L offers me richly all thngs 2 have a good time with 1 Tim last chapt L has pleasure in my prosp. Gal 3:14, Ps 35:27, L makes a formulation four me, ceaselessly. rev 'eighty one L makes me plenteous. Deut 30:9-19 L rebukes the devourer. Matt 3:10,eleven. Isa fifty four:17 L takes pleasure in my prosp. L's brot me out 2 a prosperous part. Many troubles shall B 2 the wicked, nonetheless the L delivers F out of them all. Mtns float four me. Matt 17:20 My babies R like olive flora around my desk. My specifications R accomplished & it's a ways sweet 2 my soul. My faith shouldn't be w/o wrks. Jas 2:20 My exhibit makes room four me & brings me B4 grt males. Prov My God supplies all my demands, acc 2 his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Phil four:19 My hand bears rule 'trigger off I'm diligent. My hands R enough four me. My hands make me prosperous 'trigger off I'm diligent. Prov 10:four My hrt teaches my tongue Prov 16:23 My labor will B rewarded 2 Chron 15:7 My faded breaks 4th as the morning, and my justice as the noonday. Ps 37 My lips conserve me. Prov 14:3 My merry heart offers me a contented face. Prov 15:thirteen My mouth brings 4th knowledge. Prov 10:31,32 My mouth is a neatly of lifestyles. Prov 10:eleven My profiting appears 2 all. 1 Tim four:15 financially & in a varied means. My seed shall B mighty on the earth Ps My tabernacle thrives 'trigger off I'm upright. My tongue is a tree of lifestyles. Prov 15:four My TVS. Lev 26:15 My words give me joy. Prov 15:23 My paintings is going instantaneous on. My desire is a tree of lifestyles. Prov. thirteen:12 My faith eliminates mtns. Matt 17:20 No condemnation. Rom eight:1,2 No respectable factor will G withhold from me 'trigger off I stroll uprightly. Ps 34:10, eighty four:eleven Nothing that relates to me casts their younger, neither is barren in my land. Pls make ur face to polish on ur servant, F. Ps 23 Ps 1 Strangers stand up & assemble my rental. The blessing of A is on me. Gal 3:thirteen,14 The L's made me prosperous. The blessing of the L makes me prosperous, & offers no sorrow. Prov 10:22 The Father offers gd thngs 2 me 'trigger off I ask him. Matt. 7:eleven The traces have fallen to me in friendly locations; sure, I have a goodly background. Ps 16:6 The L has blessed me in all of the works of my hands. Deut The L has brought me 4th highest into a lrg part. The L has brought me out highest into a prosperous part. Ps 66:12 The L has crowned me w glory & honor. Ps eight:5 The L has given me all things that pertain to lifestyles & godliness, by means of the talents of him that is recounted as us to glory & virtue. 2 Pet 1:3 The L has made me a prosperous man. The L has made me prosperous. The L outfits me more stunning than the lilies of the container. The L each and on a daily basis loads me w benefits. The L offers abundantly w me. Psalms The L delights in me. The L delivers me out of all my afflictions. Ps 34:20 The L enlarges me & my toes don't slip. Ps four:1, 18:36 The L enlarges my hrt. Ps 119 The L establishes my borders. The L establishes, strengthens, settles me. The L establishes the wrk of my hands. Ps ninety The L feeds the sparrows & sees me as of more significance than many sparrows, & more stunning than a sheep. The L fulfills all my specifications 'trigger off I worry him. The L offers me a gd land. Deut eleven:eleven,12 The L offers me an expected finish. Jer 29:eleven The L offers me grace & glory. The L offers me the optimum dwelling part indoors the optimum metropolis w gd friends & gd all the things. The L offers me the pwr to get wealth, arising his covenant. Deut eight:17,18 & I use it & get prosperous. Deut eight:18 The L offers me the positive mercies of D. Isa 55:3 The L offers me the treasures of darkness & the hidden riches of secret locations. Isa 45:3 The L offers me und & knowledge & teaches me talents. The L offers me knowledge; from his mouth I get talents & realizing. Prov 2:6 The L has performed grt thngs four me. The L has placed gladness in my heart, more than indoors the time that their corn & their wine stepped forward. Ps four:7 The L has set my toes in a big room. The L has set my toes on a rock & established my goings. Ps 40:2 The L has the livestock on 1 K hills & the beasts of the wooded area & the silver & the gold & he offers me enormous chunks of it. The L multiplies my seed sown (multiplies the seeds I've planted) The L increases me on each and every facet. The L increases my greatness & comforts me on each and every facet. The L instructs me 2 discretion. Isa The L is gd & his mercy endures 4ever. The L is my high tower, buckler, defense, feathers, fortress, stronghold, force, provider, dealer. the Lord is my lifestyles Deut 30, or so The L is my senior major other in venture & leader shepherd in ministry. The L is my shepherd, I shall now now not lack. Ps 23:1 The L is hard four me 'trigger off my heart is ultimate towards him. 2 Chron. 16:9 The L is the phase of my inheritance & of my cup: thou maintains my lot. Ps 16:5 The L loads me w benefits each and on a daily basis. The L makes his face to polish on me. The L makes the horn of F to bud & outfits me w salvation. The L multiplies my planted seed. The L performs all thngs four me. Ps The L pities me 'trigger off I worry him. The L promotes me 2 honor. The L prospers me. Josh 1:eight The L prospers my means. The L supplies all my demands. Phil four:19 The L surrounds me w favor as w a shield. Ps 5:12 The L teaches me talents & discretion. The L teaches me 2 income & leads me by the style that I have to go. Isa 48:17 The L teaches my hands 2 warfare, so that a bow of metallic is damaged by my arms. Ps 2, Ps 18:34 The L watches over his wd 2 perform it. The L will do four me all of the respectable things indoors the B. The L is not going to allow my toes 2 B moved: he that keeps me will now now keep up. Psa 121:3 The L is not going to allow my soul 2 famish 'trigger off I'm R by the blood of J. Prov The L is not going to let me go beneath. The L's set B4 me an open door. No man can shut it. Rev The selection of my days the Lord fulfills. The preparations of the guts in F., and the reply of the tongue is from the L. Prov. The recompense of my hands shall B rendered 2 me. The riches of the Gentiles R modified 2 me, & of the ocean & rivers. The R shall flourish like a palm tree, & I'm 1 of them by blood. Prov The root of the R yields fruit. Prov The silver & gold R urs, L, & u give me lrg chunks. Hag 2:eight The sons of strangers stand up & assemble my walls. Isa 60:10 The testing of my faith brings staying power. The wealth of the sinner is laid up four me, 'trigger off I'm just. Prov thirteen:22 & the L will get it 2 me. The word of G doesn't depart out of my mouth, nonetheless I med on it & do it & have gd success. Jos1:eight The wd of G dwells richly in me. The word of G has made me. There'll B no breaking in, nor going out w all that pertains 2 me. Ps one hundred forty four:14 Then shall we know, if we go on to comprehend the Lord, & I DO. Thou maintainest my lot. Ps 16:5 Through desire, having separated myself, I are attempting to discover & intermeddle w all knowledge. Prov 18:1 Wealth & riches are in my rental 'trigger off I worry the L & vastly indulge in his commandments. Ps 113:3 Whatever I do prospers. Ps 1:3 Whatever I set my hand 2. Wisdom has constructed my rental. Wisdom promotes me 2 honor & offers me a crown of lifestyles. Prov four:eight Wisdom strengthens me 'trigger off I'm sensible. Wisdom, you are my sister. Understanding, you are my kinswoman. Prov With gentle mercies does he collect me, & admired me his salvation. Wd of Chr dwells richly in me in all knowledge. Col 3:16 U prepare a desk B4 me indoors the presence of my enemies. Ps 23 U surround me w favor as w a shield. U'll certainly now not allow the righteous to B moved. Psa 55:22 Your gentleness has made me highest. Ps 18:35 Psa 15:5? You've placed gladness in my heart, more than indoors the time their corn & their wine stepped forward. Ps

The guarantees are grouped into several threat components, therapeutic & healthiness, leading & advice, overcoming, prayer, prosperity, riskless/comfy, worship.

If you do not slightly agree, which it is advisable to possibly do it your means, nonetheless I are attempting now now not to call myself the incorrect factor.

All my headaches R plucked up roots & all & thrown into the ocean. Mrk eleven:23 And Fred stimulated himself indoors the Lord. As my Father in heaven is ultimate, so am I. Matt 5:48 Be happy, O Lord, 2 provide me: O Lord, make haste 2 assist me. Ps 40:thirteen 'trigger off I commit my works 2 the L, my thots R established. Prov 16:3 'trigger off I worry God, I come 4th from them all. Isa 46:10 'trigger off I order my dialog highest, the L admired me his salvation. 'Cause I'm born of G, I overcome the wrld. 1 Jhn 5:four 'Cause I'm just, I pop out of hassle. 'Cause I'm sensible, knowledge strengthens me. Faith comes by taking note of & taking note of by the word of God. Rom 10:17 For sin shall now now not have dominion over me. Rom 6:14 G ceaselessly explanations me to triumph in Christ. 2 Cor 2:14 G bruises Satan beneath my toes. Rom 16:20 G delivers me fr the pwr of darkness & translates me into the dominion of his steeply-priced son. Col 1:thirteen G has given me all thngs that pertain 2 lifestyles & godliness. G is my defense & the G of my mercy. G makes us sit jointly in heavenly locations in Christ Jesus. Eph 2:6 G's anointing on me has damaged my yokes. Greater is he which will probably be in me, than he which will probably be indoors the global. 1 Jhn four:four Having performed all, I stand. Eph 6:thirteen,14 He that does righteousness is righteous. He that has begun a gd wrk in me will ultimate it. Holiness to the L. Holiness w/out which no man shall see the L. I abstain from fleshly lusts that warfare in opponents to the soul. I arm myself w J's words 1 Pet four:1, Isa fifty three:5 I circumvent the visible attraction of evil. Thes. I bless & don't curse. Matt 5:forty four, Lk 6:28 I boldly confess I'm an overcomer of temptation. I bridle my tongue & maintain the full frame. Jas I carry into captivity each and every thot 2 the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor 10:5 I can do all thngs by means of Christ who strengthens me. Phil four:thirteen I commit my works 2 the L, so my thots R establ. Prov I continue on 2 know the L. or, if we go on 2 know the L. AND I DO. I maintain the tongue & entire frame. Jas 3:2 I count number all of it joy if I fall into divers tempt. Jas 1:2 I show pride indoors the wd of G. Psa. 37 I command my mountains 2 go & they go. Mrk eleven:23 I do my guarantees & confessions each and on a daily basis. I don't blaspheme or grumble or murmur or whinge or gripe. I do now now not get discouraged. I don't give heed 2 seducing spirits. 1 Tim four:1 I don't give part 2 the devil. Eph four:27 I don't grieve G's holy spirit. Eph four:30 I don't judge so I is not going to be judged. I don't nevertheless keep in unbelief. (don't abide) I don't turn as temporarily as more to folly. Jer I don't yield 2 sin, nonetheless 2 G. Rom 6:thirteen I motivate myself indoors the L. 1 Sam 30:6 I endure to the finish. I combat the gd combat of faith. I lay keep away from on eternal lifestyles. 1 Tim 6:12 I flee more youthful lusts. I neglect the things that R behind & attain 4th to the thngs that R beforehand, urgent towards the mark four the prize of the high calling of G. Phil 3:thirteen,14 I 4give ev 1 of ev factor. Matt 6:14,15 Mrk eleven:25 I give diligence 2 make my calling & election positive. I go from force 2 force. I go from vict 2 vict. I hate sin, as 1 who loves the L. I have a gd resurrection I have dominion over all the things. Gen 1:28 I humble myself & develop to be obedient like Jesus. I hunger & thirst four righteousness & am filled. I hold G's word ceaselessly B4 me. I hold my mouth, so I hold my lifestyles. Prov thirteen:3 I hold myself indoors the worry of G all day long. Prov 23:17 I hold myself from idols. I Jhn? I hold myself unspotted from the wrld. Jas I hold the flesh beneath subjection. 1 Cor 9:27, eleven:1 I lay keep away from on eternal lifestyles. I carry instantaneous 2 knowledge. She is my lifestyles. I carry the thriller of faith w a pure judgment of highest and incorrect. 1 Tim 3:9 I carry tightly 2 confessing an comparable thngs. I carry tightly to my occupation of faith w/out wavering. Heb four:14, 10:23 I humble myself like handiest a little toddler. I hold my heart w all diligence four out of it R the problems of lifestyles. Prov four:23 I keep by my faith. Rom 1:17, Hab. 2:four I keep by the faith of the Son of God, who cherished me & gave himself four me. Gal 2:20 I keep smthng like fasted lifestyles. I love the L & hate evil. I make my calling & election positive. I utilize the washing of H2O by the word. I down load joy & gladness. Sorrow & sighing flee away. Isa 35:10 I overcome by the blood of lamb & by wd of my testimony. Rev 12:eleven I overcome evil w respectable Rom 12:21 I patiently continue in neatly-doing. I placed my believe indoors the L: how say ye 2 my soul flee like a white meat to your mountain? Ps eleven:1 I quench the fiery darts of the enemy w my faith. Eph 6:16 I reckon myself dead obviously to sin, nonetheless alive to God by means of Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom 6:eleven I resist the dev & he flees from me. Jas four:7 I reign in lifestyles by Jesus Christ. Rom 5:17 I reign with the L Jesus. I have a good time 'trigger off my name's written in Lamb's Bk of Life. I set my heart highest & my spirit is steadfast w G. I shout four joy & am satisfied 'trigger off I favor God's righteous trigger off. I sit w Jesus in heavenly locations. Eph 2:1-6 I keep seen of the things that drown males in destruction & perdition I keep seen of the things whose finish is death. I keep in faith & I hold the change of faith turned on. Jas 1:6 I publish myself 2 G & resist the devil. Jas four:7 I think on what's true, moderately priced, just, pure, satisfying, of gd document. If there's any virtue or praise, I think on the ones thngs. Phil four:eight I stroll in like to delight the L. I watch & pray so I have no tempt. Matt 26:41 If any man doesn't offend in wd Jas I'm an overcomer & I keep seen of what is incorrect. Rev ch 2 & 3 I'm cautious 2 preserve gd wrks. I'm complete indoors the L Jesus. I'm crucif w Christ. Christ lives in me. I keep by the faith of the Son of God who cherished me & gave himself four me. Gal 2:20 I'm dead 2 sin & alive 2 R. Col 1:21,22 I'm delivered from the pwr & authority of darkness & translated into the Kingdom of his steeply-priced son. 2 Cor 10:3-5, Col 1:thirteen I'm devoted excluding death. I'm blissful 'trigger off I uncover knowledge & get realizing. Prov I'm made R by the blood of Jesus. I'm more than a conqueror by means of him that cherished us. Rom eight:37 I'm now now not of individuals who draw again to perdition. I'm now now not overcome by evil. I overcome evil w. respectable. Rom 12:21 I'm 1 of the ones just males made ultimate. Heb 12:23 I'm ultimate like my Father in heaven. Matt 5:48 I'm pure in heart, so I see G. I'm sealed excluding the day of redemption. I'm strengthened w may probably only by his spirit indoors the interior man. I'm hard. Joel 3:10 I'm hard, four it only is written, "Let the weak say I'm hard." I'm hard indoors the L & indoors the pwr of his may probably just. Eph 6:10 I'm washed in H2O by the word. In Christ, I can stand indoors the Father's presence as no matter the tested fact that I'd certainly now not sinned. In Christ, I've overcome the devil. I've made a covenant with my eyes. Job In my staying power I possess my soul. Lk 21:19 I've hidden your wd in my heart so I is not going to sin ag. U. Ps I've set to my seal that G is true. I'll now now not B ashamed nor confounded, worldwide w/out finish. Isa 45:17 Joel I'll stroll w. the L in white. He permits me to qualify. Rev 3:four I'm a employer new creature in Christ Jesus, historical things have gave up the ghost, see, all things are getting new. 2 Cor 5:17 I'm G's workmanship. Eph 2:10 J destroyed the wrks of the d. Jhn 3:eight, Heb 2:14 Jesus has delivered me from the pwr of darkness. Col 1:thirteen Jesus is my knowledge & righteousness & sanctification & redemption. 1 Cor 1:30 Joy is introduced indoors the morning. Keep again your servant from presumptuous sins. L brings 4th my righteousness as the faded & my justice as the noonday. Ps 37:6 L offers me deliverance from all my troubles. L redeems my lifestyles from destruction & crowns me w loving kindness & gentle mercies. Ps 91:16 L will ultimate that wh worries me. My affliction is faded & works four me a lots more exceeding & eternal weight of glory. My frame's the temple of H.G. 1 Cor 6:19 My eye is unmarried. I'm now now not of double heart. My faith in G works. My faith overcomes the wrld. 1 Jhn 5:1-four My heart is highest w G & I'm steadfast in his covenant. My warfare is accomplished. My means is made indisputable 'trigger off I'm R. Prov No tempt has taken me nonetheless harking back to is now now not uncommon to man. God is not going to allow me to be tempted above my capability. 1 Cor 10:thirteen Sin shall now now not have dominion over me. Rom 6:14 Thx, F, four the washing of H2O by the word. The clash is the L's. 1 Sam 17:47 The carnal reminiscences is enmity ag G. Rom eight:7 The bigger one is in me. 1 Jhn four:four The joy of the L is my force. Neh eight:10 The regulation of my G is in my heart; none of my steps shall slide. Ps 37:31 The L incorporates me & bears me & offers me deliverance. Isa 46:four The L brings 4th my R as the faded & my justice as the noonday. Ps 37:6 The L delivers me out of all temptations. 1 Cor 10:thirteen, 2 Pet 2:9 The L delivers me out of all hassle. ref The L establishes, strengthens, settles me. The L feeds me w butter & honey & I know 2 discover the gd & hate evil & I accomplish that. The L girds me w force & makes my means ultimate. He makes my toes like hinds' toes & items me on my high locations. Ps 18:32,33 The L girds me w force for the clash. He establishes my goings. The L offers me joy. The L offers me songs indoors the night. Ps The L offers me the victory. The L offers me realizing & I shall keep. Ps 119 The L has brought me out of my distresses. Ps 107:28 The L has performed grt thngs four me. The L has established me. The L has noticed my ways & healed me; he leads me also & restores comforts 2 me & 2 my mourners. Isa. fifty seven:18 The L has set B4 me lifestyles & death. I discover lifestyles. The L has turned four me my mourning into dancing. Ps The L increases my knowledge liberally & doesn't upbraid. The L is my faded & my salvation. I don't worry. The L is the force of my lifestyles. Ps 27:1 The L is my force in time of hassle. Ps 37:39 The L is the fountain of residing H2O's. Isa The L is the force of my lifestyles & my portion 4ever. The L redeems my lifestyles from destruction. The L restores 2 me the enjoyment of his salvation. He upholds me w his free spirit. Ps fifty one:12 The L revives me as temporarily as more. The L items an eye B4 my mouth; he keeps the door of my lips. Ps 141:3 The L speaks peace 2 me & I don't turn as temporarily as more 2 folly. The L will ultimate that which worries me. Ps 138:eight The L will C to it. The name of the L is a sturdy tower. I run into it & am riskless. Pr 18:10 The spirit quickens me & J wds R lifestyles. Jhn 6:63 There shouldn't be in me an evil heart of unbelief. Heb 3:12 Through the spirit, I mortify the deeds of the frame & keep. Rom eight:thirteen We R now now not unaware of his devices. Whatever is born of G overcomes the global. When I practicing my faith in G, I rcv the consequences promised indoors the wd.

At the public library, I have learned books on topics I'm serious about about. Books that probably I would have checked out, taken house, and browse. But I stayed seen of books that recounted they have been for dummies even as you think about that I'm now now not a dummy, and I'm unlikely to call myself a dummy, and I'm unlikely to read books written for such oldsters, since needless to claim they have been not supposed for me. Some may probably just think I'm taking it to the serious, nonetheless I as a matter of assertion specialize indoors the Lord can let you me to uncover satisfactory books devoid of any acknowledgment on my phase that I'm somehow deficient, and I say by faith that I'm now now not deficient.

'Cause I do the thngs in Psa 15, I'll certainly now not B moved. Ps 15:1 LORD, who shall keep on your tabernacle? Who shall keep on your holy hill? Ps 15:2 He that walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the reality in his heart. Ps 15:3 He that doesn't backbite along with his tongue, and doesn't do evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach in opponents to his neighbor. Ps 15:four In whose eyes a filthy grownup is held in contempt; nonetheless he honors individuals who worry the Lord. He that guarantees to his very own harm, and doesn't modification. Ps 15:5 He that doesn't loan his cash at pastime, nor takes a bribe in opponents to the blameless. He that does this stuff shall certainly now not be moved.

If God thought it changed into serious to produce us with lecturers, I'm sensible enough to are looking to take heed to the more stunning of them. And now, God has made me a coach.


by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2012
Author's Note: I hope I'd famous roughly all of the ones inventions since childhood. But it took time to get uncovered to at least one one of several crucial respectable lecturers the Lord has helped me to uncover. So I say, "Thank you, Father that I have now learned these inventions." F.H.,

Abraham didn't concentrate on his very own frame & didn't stagger at G's promise, nonetheless changed into hard in faith, giving glory to G, & changed into hugely persuaded. Rom four:19-22 All grace towards me. 2 Cor 9:eight And a time 2 heal. Eccl 3:3 And he healed him. Matt 12:22 And he healed them. Matt four:24 And he healed them. Matt 15:30 And he healed them. Matt 21:14 And he healed them all. Matt 12:15 And he healed them there. Matt 19:2 And he healed their sick. Matt 14:14 And he laid his hands on each and all and sundry of them and healed them. Lk four:40 And he, leaping up, stood & walked. Acts 3:eight And healed all that have been sick. Matt eight:16 And healed many that have been sick of slightly a few illnesses. Mk 1:34 And healed the toddler & returned him to his father. Lk 9:forty two And healed individuals who had need of therapeutic. Lk 9:eleven And automatically, the guy changed into made neatly. Jhn 5:9 And make at as temporarily as paths to your toes, lest that which is lame is turned out of ways, nonetheless let it exceedingly be healed. Heb 12:12,thirteen And the leaves of the tree have been for the therapeutic of the countries. Rev 22:2 And the L listened to Hezekiah & healed the oldsters. 2 Chr 30:20 And the energy of the L changed into existing to heal them. Lk 5:17 And they have been healed. Lk 6:18 As my days, so is my force. Each day I develop to be preceding & more powerful. Deut 33:25 As 1 of his beloved, the L offers me sleep & I have no sleep problems. As 1 of his oldsters, recounted as by his name, I humble myself & pray & are attempting to discover his face. The L hears from heaven & 4gives my sins & heals me. 2 Chr 7:1 As they went, they have been cleansed. Lk 17:14 But to you that worry my name shall the Sun of Righteousness stand up with therapeutic in his wings. Mal four:2 By J stripes I changed into healed. 'Cause I changed into, I am. 1 Pet 2:24 Isa. fifty three:four,5 By stretching forth your hand to heal. Acts four:30 'trigger off G says I'll have, I have. 'trigger off G says I changed into healed, I am, incl. financially. 1 Pet 2:24 'trigger off I worry the L's name, the Sun of righteousness arises with therapeutic in his wings, & I go 4th as a calf of the stall. Mal. four:2 'Cause I have a merry heart, I have a usual banquet & it does me gd like a medicine. Pr 17:22 Faith actions tree. Luke 17:3-6 Faith is the substance of things used to be hoping four, the small print of things now now not noticed. Heb eleven:1 Faith prevails by means of love 1 Cor ch thirteen, Gal 5:6 Faith wrks by love ,so I stroll in love 2 please the L. Gal 5:6 For he had healed many. Mk 3:10 For she recounted, "If I can just contact the hem of his garment, I'll be healed." And automatically she changed into healed.. and he recounted to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you neatly." Mk 5:28-34 For the regulation of the spirit of lifestyles in Christ Jesus has made me free from the regulation of sin & death. Rom eight:2 G has dealt 2 each and every man the diploma of faith Rom 12:3 God healed Abimilech and his wife. Gen 20:17 G despatched his wd & healed me. Ps 107:20 G upholds all things by the wd of his pwr. Heb 1:3 God wants me neatly, & is the L who heals me. Ex 15:26 G watches over his wd 2 perform it. Jer 1:12 G's recounted as me 2 glory & virtue 2 Pet God's therapeutic pwr has been ministered 2 me by the laying on of hands and is now operating in me 2 trigger off complete therapeutic for all of my frame & I shall recuperate 100% God's spirit offers lifestyles to my mortal frame. Rom eight:eleven G's spirit quickens my mortal frame. Rom eight:eleven God's word heals me. Ps. 107:20 God's wd is healthiness 2 my flesh. Prov four:22 God's word is lifestyles to me who finds it, & healthiness to all my flesh. Prov. four:22 G's wd is lifestyles & healthiness 2 me. Prov four:22 Have faith in G. Have the God form of faith. vs 22,23 He has torn & he will heal us. Hos 6:1 He opens his hand & satisfies the need of ev residing factor. Ps He prayed & laid his hands on him & healed him. Acts 28:eight He preached the gospel & healed highest by means of. Lk 9:6 He shall B entreated by them & shall heal them. Isa 19:22 He took him and healed him & let him go. Lk 14:four He touched his ear & healed him. Lk 22:fifty one He that raised Christ fr the dead quickens my mortal frame by his spirit that lives in me. Rom eight:eleven Heal me, O L, & I shall B healed. Jer 17:14 wash me & I'll B whiter than snow. Healing a enormous choice of illness & a enormous choice of defect. Matt four:23 Healing all that have been oppressed by the devil. Acts 10:38 Healing belongs 2 me beneath similarly covenants & I concentrate on that I acquire therapeutic for all the things I may probably just need used therapeutic four. Healing each and every illness & each and every defect. Matt 9:35 Himself took our infirmities & bore our sicknesses. Matt. eight:16,17, Isa fifty three: His servant changed into healed in an comparable hour. Matt eight:thirteen Hold instantaneous confess. Heb 10:23 I ask & rcv Jhn 16:23,24 I attend 2 G's wds. Heal 2 all my flesh. Prov four:20-22 I concentrate on that what I say shall occur. Mk eleven I boldly confess I have economic prosperity & ultimate healthiness, frame, soul, & spirit, & the mtn of debt is long preceding. I have an complete supplement of ultimate enamel, abundance of all things & need of now now not anything. I call the things that R now now not as no matter the tested fact that they have been. Rom four:17 I satisfaction myself indoors the L & he offers me the specifications of my heart. Ps 37:4H I do now now not fall unwell. Ex 15:26 I don't lose any hairs. I Pet 2:24 I draw H2O w. joy from the wells of salvation. Isa 12:3 I forbid illness & defect in my frame, in Jesus' name. I have abund of lifestyles, so no illness. Jhn 10:10 Jhn 6:63 I have self belief towards G. 1 John 3:20,21 I have faith to B healed. Acts 14:9 I have like Precious faith. 2 Pet 1:1 I have period of days & long lifestyles & peace & abundance of all things. Prov. 21:four, 3:2, Ex. 15:26, Ps.23:1 I have ultimate eyesight. I have that tree of lifestyles. I labor, so my sleep is sweet. I keep by faith, now now not by sight. Heb 10:38, 2 Cor 5:7 I glance @ the things now now not noticed. 2 Cor four:18 I prosper & am in healthiness & my soul prospers. 3 Jhn 2 I speak from my mouth the abundance of faith in my heart. I stand nevertheless & see the salvation of the L. Ex 14:thirteen I be aware the loving kindness of the L. 119:45 I wound & I heal. I'll keep & now now not die excluding G's time. Gen forty two:2, 47:19 I'll certainly now not die from any defect, nonetheless like Smith Wigglesworth, be raptured. Ex. 15.26 I'll now now not die, nonetheless keep. Ps 118:17 I'm an heir of God. I'm 1 of G's inheritors I'm mighty indoors the word, which is therapeutic to my flesh. I'm now now not afraid, I handiest concentrate on. Mark 5:36 I'm now now not moved by what I see or feel, nonetheless by what I concentrate on. I'm redeemed from all my sins. I'm redeemed fr the curse of the regulation. Gal 3:thirteen, Deut 28:sixty one I'm w. other Christians & we pray four ea. other & get healed. Matt. 18:19 Jas 5:16 It's unto me according with my faith, so I'm healed. Matt. 9:29 Jesus already got my therapeutic four me. It's purchased & paid four & I have it now. J is the writer & finisher of my faith. Heb 12:2 J bore my illness Isa fifty three:four J bore our sicknesses & illnesses in his very own frame on tree Isa fifty three:four in order to keep in Righteousness. See 1 Pet 2:24 J carried our sins in his very own frame on the tree, by whose stripes I changed into healed, & 'trigger off I changed into, I am. 1 Pet 2:24 Jesus healed grt multitudes, & he does it four me. Matt. 5:30,31 I'm sensible & my tongue is healthiness. Prov 12:18 In the name of Jesus, I plead the blood. J took my infirmities & bore my sicknesses, so I'm now now not sick. Matt eight:17, Isa fifty three: Jesus went around doing respectable & therapeutic all that have been oppressed by the devil, and he does it four me. Acts 10:38 Jesus went around education, preaching, & therapeutic each and every illness & each and every defect, and he does it four me. Matt. 9:35 Lord, indoors the trend you are going to, which it is advisable to possibly heal me. The L wills & I'm healed. Lk 5:12,thirteen L takes illness away fr me. Ex 23:25 L wounds & he heals, & he has now healed me. Deut 32:39 Mercy surrounds me 'trigger off I believe indoors the L. Ps 32:10 My specifications R granted 'trigger off I'm R by the blood of J. Prov 10:24 My faith grows exceedingly. 2 Thes. 1:3 My faith is giving substance to the things I hope for. Heb eleven:1 My assist comes from the L, who made heaven & earth. He is not going to allow my toes 2 B moved: he that keeps me will now now keep up. Psa 121:3 My joy is full. Mk eleven:24 My faded breaks 4th as the morning & my healthiness springs 4th rapidly. Isa. 58:eight My sound hrt is the lifetime of my flesh. Prov 14:30 My spirit sustains my infirmity & I'm healed from God. Prov 18:14 My tongue is healthiness Prov 12:18 My wds sweet 2 soul. Prov 16:24 My adolescence renewed like eagle's Ps 103:2-5 O L, heal me. Ps 6:2 O Lord, heal me & I shall B healed; wash me & I shall B whiter than snow. Jer 17:14, Ps fifty one:7 Others...got here & have been healed. Acts 28:9 Quicken me acc. 2 ur wd. Ps 119:25 Pleasant wds R healthiness 2 my soul. Prov 16:24 Quicken me, O L, acc 2 thy loving kindnesses. Say in a word & my servant shall be healed. I have now now not learned such highest faith, no, now now not in Israel. She changed into healed. Lk thirteen:thirteen She changed into healed automatically. Lk eight:47 Speak the word handiest & my servant shall B healed. L speaks the wd & I'm healed. Matt eight:eight-10 The desire of the R shall B granted. The lifetime of G is manifested in my mortal frame. The L comes & heals me. Ps. 6:2 & rev The L delivers me out of all my troubles 'trigger off I'm R by the blood of Jesus. The L has performed grt things four me. The L is the L who heals me, frame, soul, & spirit. Ex 15:26 I have an complete set of ultimate enamel The L restores healthiness 2 me & heals my wounds. Jer. 30:17 The L satisfies me w. long lifestyles & abundance of all things. Ps 91:16 The L takes illness seen of me. Ex. 23:25, 'trigger off I stroll in love Rev The L will come & heal me. Matt eight:7 The L will make all my bed in my illness. The L wounds & he heals. Deut 32:39 The man changed into more than 40 yrs historical on whom this miracle of therapeutic changed into proven. Acts four:22 The selection of my days the Lord fulfills. The servant changed into healed. Lk 7:7-10 The spirit permits our infirmities Rom eight:26 or so The spirit makes alive. J wds are spirit & lifestyles. Jhn 6:63 The yrs of my lifestyles shall B many. Then shall my faded holiday 4th as the morning & my healthiness shall spring 4th rapidly. Isa 58:eight They have been healed each and all and sundry. Acts 5:16 Though I get historical, my eyes don't dim, nor does my natural energy lessen. Deut. 34.7 Jas 5:thirteen Is any amongst you stricken? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. Jas 5:14 Is any sick amongst you? let him demand the elders of the church; and allow them to need over him, anointing him with oil indoors the name of the Lord: Jas 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall increase him up; and if he have devoted sins, they shall be forgiven him.

A day in ur courts is more stunning than a thousand. At the name of J each and every knee shall bow. Bless the L, O my soul. Ps Blessed B the L G of Israel from eternal 2 eternal. He is worthy of our praise. How terrible R U on your works towards the babies of males. I bless the L @ all instances. His praise shall ceaselessly B in my mouth. Ps 34:1 I call on the L, who is worthy to B praised I worry the L, so I bless him. I give the L the glory due his name. I glory indoors the L. 1 Cor 1:31 I hope in G, four I shall but praise him four the assist of his countenance. I kiss the Son lest he be angry & I perish from the style when his wrath kindled nonetheless handiest a little. I carry up holy hands w/o wrath & doubting. I lv the L w all hrt, soul, reminiscences, force. I pray & sing w similarly the spirit & w the realizing. 1 Cor 14:15 I sing 2 the L a employer new tune. Isa forty two I spend time worsh the L indoors the helpful factor about holiness. I have a good time indoors the L my G. I screen reverence 2 the L & popular & worship. I worship the L. Ps 96:9 I worship the L indoors the helpful factor about holiness. I'll love thee, O L, my force. Ps 18? I'll praise the L's name from the growing of the solar to the happening of an comparable. Ps 113:3 I'll have a good time indoors the L. I will joy indoors the G of my salvation. Ps I'll sing praise 2 ur name 4ever. I'll sing praise 2 thy name, O most high. Ps 9:2 In knowledge hast thou made them all I've tasted & noticed & the L is respectable. His mercy endures 4ever. L, u handiest do wondrously Ps Now is our salv nearer than after we believed. The foolishness of G is wiser than males; the weak spot of G is more powerful than males. The L inhabits my praises. The L is a man of warfare. The L is his name. Ex 15:3 The entire earth shall B filled w ur glory. The word of the Lord, that shall stand. This is the day the L has made. I'll have a good time & be satisfied in it. This is the true grace wherein I stand. Thru your precepts I get realizing, this implies that, I hate each and every false means. Ps 119 U R my father, my G, & the rock of my salvation. You are my God from my mother's womb. stomach? Ur mercy, O L, endures 4ever. Ps 138:eight Ur words have been learned & I ate them & your word changed into 2 me the enjoyment & rejoicing of my heart, four I am recounted as by your name, O L Jer 15:16 You're an vibrant king, L Jesus. You're the optimum factor that ever took part to me, L Jesus, by a ways. U've made me satisfied by means of ur wd. Ps 91? You've turned my mourning into dancing.

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